Julie Hillers (2018)

Julie Hillers was a member of the Pullman High School class of 1984. She passed in 2018.

Obitutary: https://www.mypinkink.me/life-lived-with-metastatic-breast-cancer/

Memories of Julie

From Jennifer Hodgdon

Julie and I lived pretty near each other in Pullman growing up, in roughly the center of town, and we used to walk to school together most days, to Lincoln Middle School after I moved to Pullman in 1978, and then to Pullman High. We took music theory together last semester of senior year, and we used to skip class together occasionally (not something I ever did before that!), although we both enjoyed the class. We didn’t keep in close touch after high school, but when I moved back to Seattle in 1996 after several years on the east coast, I started running into Julie downtown — it seemed like every time I was down there, we’d be crossing the street in opposite directions (she worked downtown).

Photo from Gerry ORourke

Sadie Hawkins dance
Sadie Hawkins dance, 1984. Julie is 2nd from the left.

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